Category Archives: Contest


VHF NFD is a great time to experiment with new equipment. At GB0SNB over the years we have had great success experimenting with EME and Meteor scatter on VHF, and on this occasion, we wanted to try out Richard 500w 144 MHz Linear Amplifier.

We used the 9e LFA, masthead preamp and LMR 400 coax, mounted on the 10m pump up mast. The Icom 7100 provided the all mode VHF radio.

We could only operate for around 4 hrs, but that was enough to work 70 stations in 10 countries.

Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Isle of Man, France, Germany, Belgium and Netherlands.

Our best DX was GM4PPT at 522 KM.

Altogether a very enjoyable afternoon in the sun

50 MHz Trophy Cup.

The RSGB 50 MHz trophy cup fan over the weekend of 16/17th June, taking advantage of what should be some interesting conditions on 50 MHz. SNBCG have taken part in the contest for a number of years now and typically use the following equipment.

10m pump up mast, 6e Yagi and a solid state amplifier delivering 400w.

The level of activity is dictated by the band conditions, add a little sporadic E and the QSO rates soar to near HF contesting levels. If conditions remain flat, then this is reflected in the number of QSO and the best DX achieved over the weekend.

Sadly on this weekend conditions did not live up to their best, and the sporadic E was a little too sporadic to make it interesting. We did manage to work some nice stations, and over the course of the weekend completed 130 QSO in 18 DXCC.

We closed down overnight, as the activity is particularly low so operating time was limited.


CQ WW RTTY Contest

Members of the SNBCG took part in the CQWW RTTY contest over the weekend of 23rd and 24th September.

George M1GEO used his Icom 7100 and solid state amplifier to deliver 400w, using an 80m dipole on the SNBCG tower. The dipole with the aid of an ATU was used on 20, 40 and 80m.

Station two Dave M0TAZ used his Icom 7600 and solid state amplifier to deliver 400w to a ground mounted 1/4 wave for 40m. The 40m vertical is a tried and tested combination, although this year we tried elevated radials after reading an article by Rudy N6LF.

Rudy has completed some extensive testing on ground v elevated radials, you can form your own opinion by reading the article.

Over the course of the weekend, we worked 700 stations in 60 DXCC.

Fred G3SVK also worked 400 stations on CW, and reported some good DX was to be found on 20, 30 and 40m.


The weather was kind, allowing us to operate outdoors in our tent. Fred and Dianne provided some excellent food thought the weekend.

A very enjoyable weekend, and nice to see so many members and friend of the club lending a hand.

70 MHz Cumulative Contest #4

The RSGB CC run a series of cumulative contests through the year, you can partake in either a fixed station or out portable. I prefer to operate out portable, as this gives me a significant advantage to attempting this from home.

Using our contest site at Kelvedon Hatch SNB and with the assistance of John M0UKD we set up the following station.

12m Racal 714 push up mast

Homebrew 4e 70 MHz beam a DK7ZB design

Icom 7100

Honda EU20 generator

Expert SPA 1.3k FA Solid state amplifier

The weather was forecast to be dry and breezy and so we opted to set up in the fields overlooking the bunker and the mast. The contest ran from 3 till 5 pm, and with around 1hr setup time to organise the portable station, you can maybe see why some people operate from home. It’s quite a lot of effort for a 2hr contest, but on the positive side, you would expect the activity to be condensed into this short timeframe.

Setting up the beam.

The makeshift shack to keep the wind and the odd spot of rain off.

The Expert 1.3k FA operating on 70 MHz

Over the course of the next 2 hrs, we worked 45 stations, in 4 countries. England, Wales, Guernsey and Ireland. Our best DX was  GI4SNA at 527 KM.

You can view the claimed scores online.

50 MHz RSGB Trophy Cup

Members of the SNBCG once again took part in the 50 MHz Trophy Cup. The contest runs for 24 hours from 3pm on Saturday. This year, the contest had been booked for one of the hottest days of the year, with temperatures reaching 30°C (around 220°F in old money).

We set up on Saturday morning, using a 5 element 50MHz beam and a 10m pump up mast.  A solid state amplifier provided 400W and a light weight tent to keep off the sun.

The most important issue throughout the weekend was trying to keep cool, with copious cold drinks from the fridge. Fred G3SVK was kind enough to lend us a fan and this became an essential item for the shack.

Fred spent some time operating on CW, working mostly EU with the odd notable exception.

In total, we worked 250 stations, with our best DX being 5B4AAB at 3161KM. You can view the claimed scores here and map here.