Dave M0TAZ expressed an interest in early September to take part in the 70 MHz Practical Wireless contest on the 28th of September. A few emails here and there to rally the troops and come the 28th we had a ready gang of radio amateurs.
By the time George M1GEO and Chris G8OCV arrived, Arentas 2E0WUF, Peter G0IAP and Dave M0TAZ were in the process of setting up.
Here, Dave M0TAZ operates the 4 metres station using his homebrew 6 element Yagi and Icom IC7100.
While Dave M0TAZ was operating on 70 MHz, George M1GEO, Chris G8OCV and Peter G0IAP did some operating on 40 metres, and worked 81 stations during the operation on Sunday afternoon. The station was pretty al fresco, with the radio stacked on some boxes and the operators chair being an old toolbox.