At about 5pm, Spencer M0STO and Peter G0IAP converged on the grass outside the main mast at GB0SNB. In their usual style, George M1GEO and Chris G8OCV were late delayed by around 1 hour by collecting their caravan. Kevin M0TBX and others arrived some time later since they were coming from work.
Spencer and Peter had made a good start on the beam construction, while Chris and George were levelling the caravan and setting up the awning as a shack.
By the time the mast had been erected, it was dark, and the generator was running some halogen lamps for the final stages.
Once erected and inflated, the mast was locked in position. We checked the antennas functioned and went to sleep. We awoke around 6:30am to try and get some DX into the log. While operating, we erected the other SCAM mast with a 4 metre antenna.
After some initial contacts, it became apparent that there was an intermittent connection on the Cushcraft ASL 2010. Spencer volunteered to adjust the antenna.
Once the adjustments were made, we went inside to operate.

Members listen in as Steve G8PMU operates 4 metres
Below, Fred G3SVK operates the key on 17 metres, beaming towards Japan.
Some preventative maintenance on the generator during the weekend; Here Graham M0PAX and George fill the generator with fuel, while Spencer checks the oil level.
In total, there were 280 QSOs made that weekend, covering all areas of the globe. The map below shows some of the contacts made. Locations were taken from QRZ,com and so not all worked stations are on the map.
Below, a breakdown of the bands used and the number of QSOs made.
Band | QSOs | Percentage |
60m | 7 | 2.4 |
20m | 173 | 59.5 |
17m | 83 | 28.5 |
15m | 2 | 0.7 |
4m | 9 | 3.1 |
2m | 17 | 5.8 |
Total | 291 | 100 |
Crude analysis of contacts made by mode of operation. FM mostly comprised of 4m and 2m activities although there were a couple of HF FM contacts on 10 metres.
Mode | QSOs | Percentage |
SSB | 158 | 54.3 |
CW | 88 | 30.2 |
FM | 45 | 15.5 |
Total | 291 | 100 |