A hurriedly organised event at a Wednesday club night saw members meeting at the bunker for a field day on the 15 March 2014. We arrived early morning, with Spencer M0STO arriving at 7:30am. Other members arrived about 9am. We erected a small day-tent, the SCAM12 mast, and a 4 element tri-bander HF beam.

Higher HF bands QRV via Spencer M0STO‘s yagi
Most operating was done on 10 metres FM since, and the GB0SNB callsign achieved a good pile-up with plenty of activity. Dave M0TAZ called into the club top-band net from his car (although not /M).

Dave M0TAZ operates top-band portable from his car boot with fishing rod antenna
Steve G8PMU brought a crazy looking 4 metre antenna and some good contacts were made.

Steve G8PMU works some nice DX on 4 metres with Clansman
Dave G7UVW and Steve G8PMU pose with Clansman radios on back-packs.

Steve G8PMU poses with Clansman

David G7UVW with clansman was pedestrian mobile on 160 metres!
Pictures taken by Chris G8OCV.